Saturday, January 17, 2009

The Truth is More Important Than We Are

Scott Price

The truth is eternal! Since it is eternal we could easily spend our entire lives dedicated to the truth. If this is the case it goes without saying that this little article is not an exhaustive explanation of truth or what should be done with it. When I say "truth" I refer to both the Christ Himself (spelled with a capital T in truth) and the message of the gospel, which is the record of both His blessed Person and glorious work. Christ cannot be separated from His gospel. The gospel is even called "the gospel of Christ" in the Scripture. This gospel is called "the doctrine of Christ" in II John 9. So, what I am also getting at is Christ cannot be separated from His doctrine, which describes Him. This doctrine, coupled with the fact that Christ Himself is the Word of God, simply stated: Christ is the ultimate authority is expressing in all forms of communication He chooses, that He is who He says He is. In the wisdom of God, Christ has always been the One designated to speak for God in all forms sovereignly chosen by God.

The truth of God in Christ, the gospel, is older than us. We as mere sinful creatures are just a speck in time, much less in eternity. Collectively, all together, at our best, we are vanity (Psalm 39:5). We do not contribute to the formation or creation of truth. It did not originate with any of us. Man does not or even has had individually or collectively the wisdom to think up any truth contained in God's gospel. We cannot add to or improve the truth. This truth has been passed to His present people from the Prophets, to the Apostles, and now to us. They received the truth from Christ, who is Truth. Is our preaching and teaching better than the Apostles? Can we improve on their doctrine, which is recorded in the inspired word of God? We better not! It would be different or in other words it would be new. The truth is old and unchanging. Anything new in the arena of truth is not the truth, but rather is a lie!

We owe allegiance to truth and the God of all truth. The truth is more important than we are. We are to conform ourselves to the truth otherwise we lie. We are to arrange our lives and prioritize them in reference to the truth so as to live for and serve the truth. We are NOT to change the truth, stretch the truth, bend the truth, twist the truth, embellish the truth, take from or add to the truth, hide the truth, ignore the truth, make the truth unclear or undefined, make lite of the truth, or take credit for the truth. BUT, on the other hand we ARE TO desire the truth, seek the truth, submit to the truth, obey the truth, study the truth, promote the truth, defend the truth, proclaim the truth, explain the truth, and we will do these things if we love the truth.

If we can remember these principles, which are only derived from the word of God and operate on them, I believe it would help us to be humble, think properly, and honor the truth of the only, exclusive God of all truth. Remember truth of this short sentence: THE TRUTH IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN WE ARE. Do you believe that? My prayer is that you know, believe, obey, and love the truth.

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